Bridgeman Baptist Community Church

Walking on Water am service

Episode Notes

Pastor Jono Harris continues our series, "The Miracles of Jesus" with "Walking on Water". This miracle follows the feeding of the 5000. Why did Jesus send the disciples to the other side? Do you have storms in your life? They can come for many reasons. What was Jesus’ intention as He walks on the water? To reveal "I Am". Jesus is standing with you in the storms that you are facing. Will you keep your eyes upon Jesus? 

Click to view this week’s passages: John 6: 16-21, Matt 14: 22, John 6: 14-15, Matt 14: 23-24, Mark 4: 37-41, Matt 14: 25-27, Mark 6: 50-52, 1Cor 15: 25-26, John 16: 33, Col 2: 13-15, Mark 6: 48, Matt 14: 28-33

Date: 05.05.24

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