Bridgeman Baptist Community Church

The Blockages to Prayer am service

Episode Notes

Pastor Jodi Traves continues our church wide series, "Much Prayer, Much Power", how God moves in power when ordinary people pray, with "The Blockages to Prayer". Do you have the courage to continue? God enjoys spending time with us. God doesn't have the blockages. What are some of our hurdles? What did Jesus do to pray? Who is carrying the load in prayer? Jesus has smashed through the blockages to prayer. 

Click to view this week’s passages: Ps 145: 18, Deut 31: 8, Matt 28: 20, Mark 10: 14, Ps 139: 23-24, Matt 26: 39, 27: 46, Matt 7: 7, Ps 56: 8, Luke 18: 8

Date: 03.03.24

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