Bridgeman Baptist Community Church

Praying the Mission Heart of God

Episode Summary

Rev Dr Peter Francis, principal of Malyon College, shares the message of "Praying the Mission Heart of God". What do you do when you get a diagnosis that you weren't expecting? Does life get in the way of those changes needed? Life can get in the way of prayer. When you learnt the Lord's Prayer, did you understand the meaning? What are the petitions of this prayer? What God's heart? What is the Kingdom? What is God's will to be done? For all this, we need to pray, for God to open the door for the message of the Gospel. Passages: Matt 6: 9-13, Gen 3: 9, Matt 3: 2, Matt 4: 17, Matt 7: 21-23, Luke 17: 20-21, Acts 1: 14, Col 4: 2-6, Rom 10: 13-15