Bridgeman Baptist Community Church

Do My Prayers Make a Difference? pm service

Episode Notes

Pastor Jono Harris continues our church wide series, "Much Prayer, Much Power", how God moves in power when ordinary people pray, asking "Do My Prayers Make a Difference?" Yes! Why does Jono say that? There are 'Maybes' that effect your thoughts around this. What does the Bible tell us? What does Jesus do? What happens when we pray? 

Click to view this week’s passages: Ps 139: 4, 115: 3, Phil 4: 6, 1Thes 5: 17, 1Tim 2: 8, James 5: 16, Luke 22: 42, Luke 7: 4-10, 2Chron 7: 14-15, Gal 5: 22, Rom 8: 26, Eph 6: 12, John 10: 10, Col 2: 10

Date: 10.03.24

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